My Story
For much of my life, I was preoccupied with fitting in. I wanted people to like me, and I often felt lost and stuck. Over time, I realized I was wearing a mask, what Carl Jung calls the Persona. This mask helped me navigate the world, but it also hid my true self. The problem arose when I began identifying with this mask, neglecting the deeper, authentic parts of me.
For years, I believed acting was my calling. I loved making people laugh and telling stories, so pursuing a career in acting seemed like the obvious choice. But my heart wasn’t truly in it. Looking back, I wasn’t acting for the art or for myself; I was chasing validation. I wanted the world to tell me who I was because I couldn’t decide. I sought fame and money out of acting because that seemed like a way to feel accepted by myself and others.
I have been disconnected from myself for the better part of my life; I didn’t know my values or what life wanted from me. My low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness eventually led to depression and apathy. I dropped out of college, quit acting, and bounced from one job to the next, trying to find a sense of belonging. Deep down, I believed something was fundamentally wrong with me, that I was broken beyond repair. The truth is, I was looking in all the wrong places.
What I later learned was that my depression stemmed from an inability to make sense of my symptoms of anxiety and depression. I did not know how to listen to my inner voice that wanted me to ditch the old story and write a new one. My innate wisdom had been buried beneath years of conditioning and repression. I lacked a healthy connection to both my mind and body. This “dark night of the soul” became a turning point, a spiritual awakening that changed everything.
I stumbled onto a new path, found a mentor, and delved deep into the patterns that shaped my previous identity. I began meditating, journaling, and practicing yoga. Through years of shadow integration and self-discovery, I’ve stepped into my purpose and continue to learn daily what it means to honor the mystery of life. As Kierkegaard says, “Life isn’t a problem to be solved but a reality to experience.”
Trusting my intuition, I became a certified life coach and do my best to remain open to the call in my heart that leads me into my myth. My mission now is to use my experiences and the knowledge I’ve gained to guide others on their journeys, helping them uncover their truth and realize their potential.
Recently, I decided to go back to college to pursue a degree in Psychology. I aim to study Depth Psychology, exploring the inner world of individuals, going beyond the conscious mind to uncover the soul and integrate it’s wisdom.
If you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey, I’d be honored to walk beside you.